Geth Infiltrator1025: This unit is nongendered and requests that you monitor your privilege.What he said! I had a LOT of things I wanted to do COVERTLY. Presence of ANN cameras may interfere with operations. Geth Infiltrator1025: This unit intended to visit the Citadel covertly.Like after I have had many drinks and gotten the ringing of all the grenades out of my ears. De-MEL-Isher: Oh, we are TALKING later.Snarfles: RAAAAAA TALONS SAID GOOD TO SHOW UNDERREPRESENTED MINORITIES IN POSITIVE ROLE #Citadel.Snarfles, 1025, TELL me you did not okay this. De-MEL-Isher: Yes, we can show them what we're doing ON DUTY.Amda Talons Flufyria: What's wrong with it? It's good to show the galaxy what we're doing for them! Besides, there's not enough female turians in the spotlight!.Guys, who said ANN got to follow us on shore leave? #Citadel
ANN: We join N7 agents as they recover from a week defending our freedom.ANN: This is ANN, coming to you with a special edition of Profiles in Courage.Messages Profiles in Courage Special Edition 1.1 Profiles in Courage Special Edition.